Far from diminishing

The madness grows.

So. The back story:

I was cruising the wonderful Interweb (Dear Interweb, did I tell you recently how much I love you? Well, I do. More than my cell phone or my Playstation, but pretty much equally with my DVD player), and I came across these amazing throw pillows:

Best Throw Pillows Ever (scroll on down, and yes, that is indeed Amitabh Bachchan, on a pillow. I know, right? Awesome.)

And although they are plasticky and look pretty awful to sit on/near/with (anyone having spent a summer in the South in shorts in a car with vinyl upholstery knows what I’m talking about), I decided immediately that I must have one at this very moment. Only I can’t buy one.

So instead, as a consolation, and in an attempt to branch out to another craft (because I obviously didn’t do this enough as a child in the 80s, in between laminating gummy bears between clear vinyl to make bows and puff-painting the crap out of my jean jacket), I have a Plan to make a set using iron-on transfers and cheap pillows bought at Ikea. I shall post results. I think they need spangles.

I knit some more on the tiny baby jacket. It was warm enough to sit outside on the porch with some blackcurrant juice (which I drank all ghetto-style, right out of the bottle), and I knit a few rows until the Husband came out and started power-sanding his armor. Well, that, and Crazy Yelling Guy was crazy and yelling, so I went back inside and burned dinner a bit.

I am both glad to wear sandals and not glad that it will be hot and I have to be in a car without air conditioning for another several months. It’s supposed to cool off again tomorrow or so. I think I’ll see if I can get some mileage out of my New Rocks before it’s silly to wear quilted leather boots (but I’ll wear them anyway, in the middle of July, and complain a lot).

About HappyGoth

By day, I'm a graphic designer. By night, I'm a knitter. I'm doing my part to keep Hotlanta stylish. I imagine that if you don't already understand the title of the blog, you're probably confused and perhaps slightly annoyed, but never fear - I do have a reason (and it's a good one). Having gone to hear Stephanie Pearl McPhee, and then having been inspired to blog about knitting, I found myself wondering what to call the blog. I recalled a conversation I had with Mouse and the Chicken Goddess about why it is a Bad Idea to anger knitters - this conversation was following SPM, aka the Yarn Harlot telling the assembled throng about Those Who Do Not Understand Knitting and Therefore Belittle It Much to the Chagrin of Others, or TWDNUKTBMCO, which is not the acronym she used but is the one I'm using because I forgot hers - that is, we are numerous and we all have very pointy sticks, easily transforming into an angry mob. Therefore, knitters = angry mob.
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2 Responses to Far from diminishing

  1. HappyGoth says:

    Ah. I had forgotten that stuff. And it so happens I have some in a drawer, left over from something else. Thanks for the suggestion (Amitabh, here I come. I hope you’re ready to be a throw pillow)!

  2. EyeceKnits says:

    If you want to avoid plastic-y, you might look for the fabric you can print on directly. Then you can use that as a part of a panel on the pillow. The iron-on printer stuff sometimes comes out un-even/spotty.

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