Girls like tiny things.

I don’t remember if I mentioned this before, but it’s totally true.

Anyway. I know I promised myself that I would not start new projects until the old ones were finished, but I have started a new project despite myself, and so I have yet another project in the works. I did finish the red socks, and the Socks of Eternity (they have many names, but are still unfinished) have had more done with them, and maybe they’ll be done by the end of this year. Heh. I hope so. That’s many months away.

To my credit, the project that I have started is a tiny thing. It is a suit for a baby, and I love knitting things for babies. They are done so quickly! This one is a sweater and pants, and whereas an adult version would take me forever, this one will probably done before the end of the month. It will be a bunny suit.

(And on the buffet in the dining room, I have a collection of tiny little glass bottles with nothing in them, merely because they are tiny. I also plan on being one of those old ladies who builds and furnishes doll houses with tiny little furniture and rugs and things, also because they are tiny. And then doesn’t let her grandchildren play with the dollhouses. Because tiny people + tiny things = not a good idea, unless you’re a Borrower.)

In other news: I am inexplicably fond of Hindi children’s movies. I saw Koi…Mil Gaya, and loved it. Probably because Hrithik is in it, but also because it is silly.

About HappyGoth

By day, I'm a graphic designer. By night, I'm a knitter. I'm doing my part to keep Hotlanta stylish. I imagine that if you don't already understand the title of the blog, you're probably confused and perhaps slightly annoyed, but never fear - I do have a reason (and it's a good one). Having gone to hear Stephanie Pearl McPhee, and then having been inspired to blog about knitting, I found myself wondering what to call the blog. I recalled a conversation I had with Mouse and the Chicken Goddess about why it is a Bad Idea to anger knitters - this conversation was following SPM, aka the Yarn Harlot telling the assembled throng about Those Who Do Not Understand Knitting and Therefore Belittle It Much to the Chagrin of Others, or TWDNUKTBMCO, which is not the acronym she used but is the one I'm using because I forgot hers - that is, we are numerous and we all have very pointy sticks, easily transforming into an angry mob. Therefore, knitters = angry mob.
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5 Responses to Girls like tiny things.

  1. HappyGoth says:


    Not my sister, but a good friend and accomplice.
    I read your blog and it made me laugh (in a good way). I’ll have to add it to the blogs I read daily…


  2. Hello happygoth,

    I read a lil more here and let me tell u that you are doing a good blog.
    But more than anything else, it’s mindboggling to see you girls are so much into bollywood.. πŸ˜€ I sneaked into this chicken goddess’ profile too (above, who unlike you, doesn’t like tiny things ;)) and she too seems to be your clone as far as yarn and bollywood movies are concerned. Is she your sis or something?

    Anyway, happy knitting πŸ™‚ … be around..

    Bangalore, India.

  3. HappyGoth says:


    Thanks for the kind words! I do like Hindi children’s movies (those I have seen). I am fond of Indian movies in general, actually (Jodhaa Akbar is my favorite). So far, my Hindi is limited to simple sentences and questions, but I’m learning! I can write in Devanagari, even though I don’t know what I’m writing, usually.

    The Front Page section gives an explanation of the blog title. It’s kind of silly, really.

    Again, thanks for the comment!

  4. I have to disagree, this girl at least likes huge things.

    Um, I should go read your post for real now and get my mind out of the gutter.

  5. Hey tiny girl,

    Just stumbled upon your blog. Your views are fresh and neat…so you fond of hindi children’s movies?? u know hindi??

    Also, what’s the meaning of your blog title??


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