Aw man.

I am such a huge dork. See, I just had a conversation with Baobh’s husband, wherein I declared my undying love for Alexander Hamilton.

Isn’t he dreamy? Oh, you know he is. I mean, just look at that noble nose and his sensitive eyebrows!

I’ve had such a crush on him for so long.

About HappyGoth

By day, I'm a graphic designer. By night, I'm a knitter. I'm doing my part to keep Hotlanta stylish. I imagine that if you don't already understand the title of the blog, you're probably confused and perhaps slightly annoyed, but never fear - I do have a reason (and it's a good one). Having gone to hear Stephanie Pearl McPhee, and then having been inspired to blog about knitting, I found myself wondering what to call the blog. I recalled a conversation I had with Mouse and the Chicken Goddess about why it is a Bad Idea to anger knitters - this conversation was following SPM, aka the Yarn Harlot telling the assembled throng about Those Who Do Not Understand Knitting and Therefore Belittle It Much to the Chagrin of Others, or TWDNUKTBMCO, which is not the acronym she used but is the one I'm using because I forgot hers - that is, we are numerous and we all have very pointy sticks, easily transforming into an angry mob. Therefore, knitters = angry mob.
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4 Responses to Aw man.

  1. They made him way more hunky for the new 1o than he really was. Sari.

  2. deirdre says:

    Trish has a crush on him too. and I must admit I got quite interested in him during the “john adams” miniseries a while back.

  3. You are such a geek.

  4. Katy says:

    Awesome post. He IS very regal.

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